University statement from Dean of Students Kent Hubbell

The arrest this week of a Cornell student charged with raping a fellow student has shocked our community. I am writing today to offer help and resources if you need them–and to ask for your help, too.

It's natural to feel anxious when learning of a reported crime near your home. If you are troubled by such feelings, you will find information and resources at the new web site, SHARE (, set up to provide easy access to services, support, education and advocacy related to all forms of sexual/gender violence and misconduct. If you are in distress and need help immediately, please call Gannett Health Services at (607) 255-5155.

You may hear speculation about the incident, and some of it may be inaccurate or based on hearsay. As is often the case in a criminal investigation, many details will not be released to the public, and completing an investigation will take time. While it's under way, please be patient and keep in mind that all parties involved should be afforded their privacy and due process.

I want to reiterate that Cornell University condemns all acts of sexual violence and abuse, and we take every report of sexual harassment, assault, or misconduct seriously. Earlier this semester President Skorton called on the Cornell community to help lower the incidence of sexual misconduct by "focusing on how we treat each other, how we think about ourselves, and what each of us–and all of us–can do to foster a respectful, safe, inclusive and engaged academic environment." Sexual violence is a complex, difficult problem, that exists in our community and requires our serious attention — together.

Kent Hubbell
Dean of Students